Ice Bucket Challenge at 1500 Frames per Second
Our friends in the band Painted Zero's nominated me to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and since we have a Phantom High Speed camera I decided to film this at 1500 Frames Per Second to raise awareness of this rare and horrible disease.
The sun had just set and my brother Adam and I had finished rigging two C-Stands with a cross beam to support the five gallon bucket of water and ice. We attached a rope to it that I would pull down on my self as adam triggered the phantom camera. ALS is a devastating illness, one that claimed the life of mine and Adam's own grandmother, on our fathers side. In order to make this video I actually dumped the cold water over my head four separate times to achieve the varied angles.
There is relatively little known about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, including what causes it and how to cure it. In addition to making this video House of Nod has donated to We hope that you enjoy this video but more so that it helps spread awareness of ALS.
There is no such thing as too much awareness for a good cause.
To find out more or to donate please visit
♥ Robert Kolodny