Hand crafted film work, custom made to fit to your story.
At House of Nod we work hard to diligently fashion the most detailed oriented work, using only the highest quality ingredients and always made from the heart.
Full Service
Our Job is Imagination
Our thoughtful and experianced team is fully equipped to handle every aspect of your project. From creative concept, to building out a production, through the actual shoot, in one side of post production and out the other; we are capable of providing everything you need up to delivery.
…and if you are only looking for one facet of that gestation, we are more then happy to provide that in its highest quality form as well.
We come prepared with inventive minds to customize a bespoke creative experiance for your particular needs. It doesn't matter if you are mounting a full production on a film or broadcast peice or simply hiring us to cover your next live event; our guarantee is to not only do the best technical job for you, but to bring our own creative and artistic insights to give you the highest caliber product that you deserve.
We are experienced and happy to work on branding, commercials, music videos, live events, broadcast tv, films, fashion, lifestyle, interviews and everything in-between.
RT @HannahSeidlitz: behind-the-scenes including @houseofnodfilms immortalizing alex’s big axl rose moment on film https://t.co/qfaMNTZ6KA
Martin Scorsese last night at @TheNYFF speaking practical truth about the sanctity of the moving image while introd… https://t.co/MtVP7LEqyP
JLG forever