Return to the Middle East (Part 2)
We have been back from our latest trip in the Middle East for three days. It was a non-stop adventure, and our work brought us all around, to every corner of Jerusalem. We will miss our new friends, the beauty of the city, the warm weather, and (possibly most of all) the falafel. However, we won't miss our seven hour layover in the Istanbul airport.
With all that we saw and experienced, the House of Nod team would like to invite you (dear reader) to take a behind-the-scenes peak at our travels.
First, meet the team members who embarked on this journey:
Rob, our fearless Director.
Sasha, our Executive Producer/Biggest Fan in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Bennett, our Producer and Captain of the Ship.
and Adam, Camera Operator, author of this blog post, and (during the course of this trip) inheritor of the nickname "Sweet Sweet".
We can't reveal too much about the project, but we can tell you that it brought us to amazing places...
and we met some truly incredible people during the shooting process.
The beauty of Jerusalem was described to us by one of our new friends as "the juxtaposition of a very modern city and a very ancient city occupying the same place". We found that to be very true.
We saw it in the twisting alleyways of Nachlaot...
as well as the marketplace, the colors and scents of which still linger in our jet-lagged minds.
We worked almost constantly, but still found some time to experience the city's underground music culture and enjoy some of the local flavors.
Although we are back home, the House of Nod family grew during this trip. We can't wait to go back.
Thank you for coming on this journey with us, see you next time.
- Adam + House of Nod